Who: Naruto (
ramen4life) and whoever wants to make fun of him.
What: The blonde idiot's awakening.
When: Just before his first post in his journal.
Where: In the SWAMP (I'm just guessing that snow would be falling here, too...).
Rating: PG-13 for the bad language.
Blue eyes opened to find themselves staring up at a grey sky from which fluffy, white flakes were falling. Almost instantly, confusion set into the blonde ninja's mind. He didn't remember falling asleep here. In fact, he didn't remember ever seeing a place like this. With a grunt he moved his body into a sitting position and allowed his eyes to scan the area more, just before standing to his feet. Frowning, he scratched the back of his head. Nope. He had definitely never been here before. At least...not that he knew of.
Then a sudden realization hit him:
He was standing in...something squishy. Something like...mud. Looking down a very confused and somewhat annoyed expression hit his face. He was standing in mud. Actually, to be more accurate, he was covered in it. From his feet...all the way up to his shoulders. Reaching back, he could even feel it covering the back of his head. WELL THIS CERTAINLY WASN'T A NICE THING TO WAKE UP TO.
Glaring now, the orange ninja screamed up at the sky, "WHY THE HELL DOES THIS SORTA THING ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME?!?!?!?"
Grumbling, he simply started walking. To where? Anywhere but a SWAMP. Maybe he would eventually find someone that he could question about this area. He had abosolutely no idea where he was. To put it short and sweet; he was COLD, he was HUNGRY, he was ALONE, and he was PISSED now.