Who: Squall
emo_face_palm and Ichigo
gogoichigoyo What: Squall waking up/He and Ichigo being stuck in the bookstore.
When: Right now/I'd say, after this log occurs ...and then Ichigo gets snowed in (GEEZ, WHAT LUCK THAT BOY HAS).
Where: The bookstore.
Rating: Shouldn't get too bad. But just in case, I'll go with PG-13. (YOU NEVER KNOW WITH ICHIGO. *shot*)
The mercenary opened his eyes to find himself laying on top of a smooth flat surface. Suddenly, he realized he was looking up at something that was...pretty close to his face. Was he inside a box? No. Looking from the left to the fight answered that question for him. A frown appeared on his face. Well, this was quite a predicament. It appeared that he was on top of something that was rather tall. The only questions that he wanted answered at the moment was:
A) How the hell did he get up here? And...
B) ...how the hell should he get down...?
These questions were put on hold when Squall felt his left hand brush against something...familiar. Looking down to his hand, he spotted an all-to-familiar object. The communication device. With a sigh that pretty much said "oh great", he picked the device up and held it up to his face. With that, he began typing out an entry. He decided to wait and see if he could get himself down, before asking anyone for help getting down from the...whatever he was on top of. As soon as he was finished using the device, an obvious look of slight sadness and anger were on his face. It was quickly replaced with resolve. He needed to find a way down.
After a short while of thinking and pondering, he finally decided that the only way to get down was...well...to fall. There was no room for him to roll over, after all. Scooting over to the left side, he glanced backwards over the edge. So there was nothing for him to fall onto. Except the floor, that is. After securing the device in a front pocket, so that it hopefully wouldn't get crushed, he let it happen...
"SHIT!" The single word entered his mind as he layed there for a few seconds, in slight pain. It didn't hurt as much as getting his ass kicked by a T-Rexaur, at least...
First, he checked on the device. Good, it was just fine. With that, he sat up. Flinching, he gritted his teeth. Fortunately, he knew he should be fine. And if anything, he could always cast Cure.