Who: Hikari "Kari" and whoever else ^.^
What: Meeting up, communication
When: Right now
Where: In the middle of a park, with a gas station in sight
Rating: PG-13 just to be safe
Hikari woke feeling damp. She hadn't had this feeling since she had had to sleep on the ground in the Digiworld when she was a child. Actually, this feeling was exactly that feeling. 'Kari's eyes popped open and she sat up so quickly, ready to take in the crazy coloured trees and random signs that were the Digiworld. However she was met with only normal looking trees and something like a gas station over in the distance. Standing up, Hikari brushed herself off and decided it was a safe bet that the person in the gas station could tell her where she was, since the only park in her neighborhood she knew, wasn't this one. So that meant she was either in the Digiworld, or she was lost. She'd find out once she got to the gas station.