It's a BABY!!
Yes, my child is indeed a healthy, active member of Homo sapiens! Everything looks great!
What? Not what you were looking for? You didn't think I'd make it that easy did you?
O.K. I'll quit playing around.
It's a BOY!!
So, for all those of you who were worried about another little Voron running around, your fears have just been made real. You've got about four and a half months to brace yourselves...
On another note, I suppose we don't need to worry about names like Inara, Ophelia, Serapheia, Ariadne or Anais...
Sorry Inara, maybe next time... I should add that the first name that popped into both our heads right after they told us was Xerxes, though we didn't know each thought that until a little later. I was originally really thinking Corvin Evander, or maybe Lucien as a first or middle name, but for some reason, Xerxes seems to fit better now than it did before... More on this on the next post I think...