Seriously? I have the best. Boyfriend. Ever.

Feb 23, 2011 22:30

I've had some weird stomach type bug for just under 48 hours now. It's definitely fading away as I think my fever is nearly if not entirely gone, but my body is still being angsty with me.

That being said, my boyfriend is awesome.

I was supposed to blood wrestle tonight, but I had to bow out due to the ick. So instead he's here with me. He bought us foodings (I had to try to eat something, so soup for me) and brought over apple juice and ginger ale to mix together for me along with yogurt and his handsome self. He's been getting up for me and scolding me if I try to do things for myself, and it's so very sweet of him.

He must really like me or something. Weird. :")

love, russell, san francisco, happiness

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