Four Lovely Fingers and an Exqually Lovely Thumb

Oct 11, 2008 23:44

Title: Hands
Pairing: GDYB
Rating: G (wow)
Word Count: 787
Summary: JiYong admires YoungBae's hands.
Author's Notes: It's pretty much as cheesy as it sounds. This stems from my own preoccupation with people's hands.

The fleeting orange glow from street lamps fell upon a peaceful sight in the large black van that was on its way back to Seoul. It fell upon the sleeping faces of four members of Big Bang and one that was awake and admiring the play of light. JiYong was catching brief glimpses of YoungBae’s sleeping face and admiring its twin in the window the singer was leaning against.

JiYong smiled sleepily as he remembered YoungBae’s face full of passion as he sang to the thousands of screaming fans. It had been a wonderful show that night in Busan, but they were scheduled for several talk shows and various other appearances for the next day in Seoul. So, instead of getting to sleep after the show in the most comfortable beds a hotel could offer, they were in the van. JiYong sighed; the van wasn’t the most comfortable place to sleep in-especially since he lost at KaiBaiBo and ended up with the middle spot in the back bench. On the upside, it meant that he could lean on YoungBae and sleep with his head upon the other boy’s shoulder without arousing his suspicions.

His love for YoungBae hadn’t really surprised him; it seemed to come naturally to him after spending most of his teenage years with the boy. They once dreamed together of stardom and now they were getting to live it together. He could remember the first time he met YoungBae; he was quiet, polite and had soft features. JiYong laughed to himself as he remembered his intense rivalry that grew into friendly competition as he and YoungBae grew closer. He turned to YoungBae’s sleeping form again and, with his eyes, traced his now chiseled features-at some point, JiYong couldn’t say exactly when, YoungBae had lost his boyishness and become a man.

JiYong lay his head down on YoungBae’s shoulder and his eyes drifted to YoungBae’s hands that lay limply on his knees. He loved YoungBae’s hands. They were the hands of an artist. The hands of a friend. Hands that have given him high-fives. Hands that have ruffled his perfectly styled hair just because he spent so long on it that morning. Hands that moved perfectly in dances, not a finger out of place. Hands that gently stroked his cheek as he cried.

In the calm of the lightly humming van, JiYong extended his index finger to stroke down one of YoungBae’s fingers. He smiled to himself and ran it back up and down a few more times. Gently he reached out with his whole hand this time and let his fingertips brush lightly over the back of YoungBae’s hand. He then slowly, as to not wake the sleeping boy, spread out each of his fingers. JiYong admired YoungBae’s hand for a little and watched as the same lights that flickered through the van played upon the back of his hand.

It was beautiful.

Feeling a little greedy, JiYong gently turned YoungBae’s hand over and traced each finger and drew little circles across his palm. He followed the M-shaped crease on his palm and then matched his own up with it. His fingers were just barely longer than YoungBae’s. He liked this. It was like how they were in real life-not quite the same.

JiYong glanced back up at YoungBae’s face to make sure he was still asleep, then adjusted his hand so that his fingers were in-between YoungBae’s. Then he clasped the sleeping boy’s hand in his own. To his surprise, YoungBae’s hand slowly clasped his back.

JiYong was pretty sure that this was just because YoungBae was sleeping. Even so, it made his heart flutter pleasantly and he closed his eyes. He soon fell asleep with a hint of a smile gracing his lips.

YoungBae felt JiYong’s breathing finally become regular and he cracked open his eyes as he slowly turned his head. He looked down at their hands and smiled. He gently squeezed the soft hand that was holding his. He turned his head just a little more and tenderly pressed his lips to the now sleeping JiYong’s forehead. His heart ached a little with held back love for his long time friend. Even if he knew that JiYong felt the same, he knew that being together would be near impossible.

He closed his eyes and squeezed his hand again. At least he had this time to enjoy the feeling of JiYong pressed against his body; head upon his shoulder, hand in his hand. They were still far from Seoul and as long as the van was humming quietly and the street light was the only light they had, they could stay like this. Hands clasped in the dark.

big bang, fanfiction

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