heh, found the digi cam... hollywood ho!

Jan 31, 2008 23:49

i got piccy's from hollywood  trip loaded.  and with that batch i also found the piccy's i'd taken of my room to show ya'll... just because most of it's a mess don't mean i don't like the parts that aren't. =cD


so yeah... first off... my room!!!

that caterpillar was the only b-day gift i got from the locals, and it came from jeston. =cD he doesn't have a name yet tho.  hmm. i've just been calling him the glowworm.  and my 'shit happens' poster is framed facing the door... and one of those two asian poster thingys came from chi!!  (oh... i have an orlando bloom poster and an LOTR life size cutout that i don't have room for anywhere... does anyone want them??)

so the rest of my room not pictured here... has piles of clothes in front of it.  tis sad.  i think literally depressing to walk in to.  it's on my list of things to fix....

on to hollywood!!!

hollywood.... are you not uber-impressed? ::rolls eyes:: it's flat.  it's buildings are all thirty years old and the kind of cheaply-run, over-priced, hole-in-the-wall stores you know are being run by tired, old, humorless, greedy people who don't enjoy their work and who work to make more money to stuff either into a mattress or into their retirement funds, even tho they'll end up dying suddenly from lung cancer before they make it to retirement.  otherwise, they're all box stores filed with retail crap that we can get cheaper up here in chico.  altho their rite-aid down there DID have hair-care product that i have to pay twice as much for in salons up here. alas, i didn't think to get a piccy of the rite aid.

and then there's these random jems... all crammed in to a five block radius....


wachovia... a bank....                             ...kodak theater... like it needs introduction...


chinese theater... behind the stupid boat...                   that theater they tape jimmy kimmel at....

i'm thinkin' disney owns the el capitan?

Pretty sure they owned that one... but it sucked, for a disney store. 
but then, the last disney store i was in was kinda sad, too. hardly any classic disney anywhere anymore. ::sigh::

Then of course comes the mall thing i forgot the name of already...
 (that had that idiot --no respect for the dead at all --- who tried to ride the escalator banister... while he was four floors up...)



that sofa thingy?  uh... that's made out of cement, cold and hard.  bring pillows.

oh, and i saw this and thought of chi & maggie...

took me forever to figure out that was summer glau, then didn't believe it for awhile after ali told me.

And of course, the highlight of my ENTIRE weekend....


THE JIM HENSON COMPANY!!!!!!!!!!!!  Yes, folks, that is a five foot tall kermit up on top of that building.  how awesome is that????

so finally, the reason we went... to see ali... all dolled up and ready for her close up...

That one was too busy so after the first round (? i think first? ali?) she changed to the softer, younger look...
(besides, i think she was starting to melt...)

of course, she's quite at home... arguing with mom...

and for those curious minds who want to know... we called all three of the agencies who tapped her that day.  we're still awaiting return calls from allllllll three of them...

so yes. that is our brief tour thru hollywood.
and because i always must. i end with a touch of irony.

here you are, your moment of zen.


wtf, dreams, travel, movies, high aspirations

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