life: Update on various random stuff

Mar 30, 2010 20:29

So as I said this morning, the plan is set.  If anyone argues me on it - like CSUC's web page did to me this morning - they will get yelled at.   I expect to yell at the web-page people in the morning. =cD  I think I have it figured out - I'm settling for the easiest option, but it at least has benefits that in the long term will out-weigh the immediate alternatives that just refuse to materialize despite my best efforts.

The plan: Go to CSUC.  Go in to debt up to my eyeballs.  Spend at least the first year in an apartment about half a mile from the campus.  Power through the core classes and concentrate on getting the grades to make the whole experience worthwhile.  Then, if necessary, I'll have a year of on my own instead of three months and can move back home for year two.  In THEORY I only have two years left before my degree, so, it should all work out.  If I can survive the first year and keep it on task, the second year should fall in to line just fine.

It will make me at least feel better about myself.  At this point, the money spent on moving out will likely save me trying to find money for a shrink.  Plus, it's close enough to the campus that I'll save on gas and I will get in the exercise I so drastically need annnnd I'll more or less have to be social. In theory it works.  In theory.  So I checked with the apartment folk.  I should be fine to get in to a place there.  So that angle just hinges on financial aid/student loans.  As soon as I'm done stalling and playing in LJ, I'll be playing in FAFSA.  I hate numbers.

THEN I get to go research at CSUC's web page again and double check the major they've got me down for to be sure it's one I want.  THEN I either set up an appt to change it, or I pay the fee required to hold my place in line and am done until the fall.  I won't have to worry about a thing.  No more day-by-day.  There is a path to be followed.  I have a direction I can move in.  Do you know how nice that feels? Omg.  I still loathe CSUC and they have a LOT to make up for IMHO but I don't think I'm helping anyone with my one-woman protest and I know I'm hurting a lot of ppl with it, least of which my LJ Flist who's tired of hearing me bitch about it. ;c) 

school, labgoi

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