life: In which a decision is made... and then...

Mar 30, 2010 09:05

So last night, I finally came to the conclusion that limbo isn't worth this much stress.

Yes, CSUC is a school by and for fucktards.  It's been ranked #8 in the US as THE place to go to school - but I have no idea by whom, or why, because it was on the news last night and our local news is also run by and for fucktards, and all they said was that it was the 8th best community for attending uni, and because I'm one of the dumb-asses who qualify for going there, I don't remember the name of the think-tank that declared it as such.  Either way, said think-tank is on crack because this community has nothing to offer outside of the university.  Trust me.  I've looked in to this and come up empty EVERY SINGLE TIME and it's seriously turning me in to a bitter old bitch.  Anyway, I digress...

So I came to the conclusion that in the fall, I shall go to CSUC.  To alleviate the stress and to help assure my success, I shall embrace my student loans, and get enough ahead to pay for a year's lease somewhere close to downtown.  That way, I am out of the house and experiencing OMG INDEPENDENCE!!!!! again and can devote my attentions to surviving the first year.  It's no different than having to pay for a dorm.  Altho a dorm would probably be cheaper.  But no way in hell am I going to do dorm life in Chico.  Have I mentioned that the people here are fucktards?  And I'm too old for a dorm anyway.  I'd be the freakin' dorm mother to a buncha hormonal skinny bratty teenagers and drunk 21 year olds and I'm not keen on that.  Damn, digressed again.

With this conclusion comes the "OH SHIT!" of all the prep stuff I've been putting off doing.  FAFSA for instance.  I have until June to do it, but, uh, waiting that long is kinda stupid.  Then there's checking to be sure there's no mandatory orientations to attend.  So, thinking to be smart and go straight to the source, I figured this morning I would log in to the student account I set up two months ago when I was accepted to CSUC in the first place, and I would get all the info I need of prep work in one handy spot.



Cosmic hint?

Seriously. This is fucking with my head. EVERY TIME i try to make a move in any direction, I get these stupid cosmic hints that "No, UR DOIN IT WRONG!" and so now, despite not having been able to sleep last night out of pure "OMG!!! I CAN MOVE OUT OF LIMBO!!!" excitement and plans, I'm back to "well shit, maybe I'm not supposed to go to that fucked up school anyway."  At any rate, I can't fight with it right now 'cause I gotta go get my car in to the window ppl and then I gotta go to work.  So I'm not meant to deal with it *now* which is equally frustrating....

wonder what facebook astrology has to say about this bullshit. ::snort::



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