life: Location, location, location...

Mar 21, 2010 13:43

I have until May 2nd to change my mind on the CSUC thing.  I really don't want to go.  Once I take out the student loan to do that first semester, I'm stuck here for at least two years.  And I honestly don't think I can take that.  I love my family, but they're not the reason I need to leave town.  I need friends and human interaction 'cause I'm ( Read more... )


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Comments 7

winks7985 March 21 2010, 22:27:46 UTC
i wouldn't let the thought of "rednecks" deter you.

anywhere you go, you will have to deal with the natives, which can be a HUGE culture shock.

and with the weather thing, all those places know how to deal with their respective weather. now, if you went to florida and it snowed like a bugger, then i would worry, cuz people DO NOT know how to deal with snow there. everything else is dealable.

what are you going to school for? maybe that could give me a better idea of jobs and whatnot...



vonilyn March 21 2010, 23:51:54 UTC

Well, I suppose I should note that it has snowed maybe three times in the twenty-odd years I've lived in Chico, California. And those three times, it hit the ground, stuck for an hour, and melted. So *I'm* the one who doesn't know how to deal with snow just now. ::snicker::

The rednecks... my only concern there is angry people bug me. North Cali has rednecks, no problem with the general application of the label. It's the racially-charged-and-amplified sort that I'm not keen on. It's why I'm not keen on anything south of San Francisco in Cali, too. But yeah, culture shock will be everywhere, so I'm more concerned about the snow than the rednecks. LOL!

School... computers, communications, or English to try for a publishing job.


winks7985 March 22 2010, 00:08:59 UTC
hmmmm ( ... )


vonilyn March 22 2010, 00:31:32 UTC
So yeah, there's always transferring. Which I somehow overlooked. I'm thinking it was a forgotten point because transfer students don't get to pay resident prices. 7k a semester versus 17k a semester... residency is better.
Pretty sure that's why I set the May 1 deadline on myself and have been racking my brain on this. I guess if I miss it then I can just go the transfer route and say screw it, just pay back student loans for longer and move in the spring instead of summer/fall. It's all money I don't have anyway.
Thanks for that! Accidental kick in the head of "RELAX, MORON." ;c)


kitvt_2008 March 23 2010, 02:33:03 UTC
I think you need to decide to go to which school will give you the best chance of success. Then you just need to suck it up and move there. I know how hard it can be because I'm one of those people too that have the invisible umbilical cord attached to family and home and safety, but sometimes its when you don't want to do something (because it scares you) that you have the most fun. And you'll make new friends no matter where you go! So that's a plus side. You need to ignore the negative because you'll find lots of that for everything and everyplace you choose.


serenityblue March 23 2010, 13:57:00 UTC
Ya know, like the others I think the focus should be on the school cause you can get used to where you live, regardless. Embrace the good and ignore the bad to the best of your ability...yada, yada, yada....

That said, I been trying to come up with arguments for Georgia and realized last night that you're right about the rednecks and what's more I seem to be related to or surrounded by them lately. Not the racists ones so much, though I am related to a few bigots for sure, but the "Lets go kick his ass" just because we can sorts. Sigh. Plus, I think if I exposed you to anyone besides my mom, Boobala and my real Dad, family wise for any length of time you'd end up losing all respect for me. So yah, not recing GA. However, if you end up in Florida I won't be complaining.

Love ya SIS!!!!


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