life: Location, location, location...

Mar 21, 2010 13:43

I have until May 2nd to change my mind on the CSUC thing.  I really don't want to go.  Once I take out the student loan to do that first semester, I'm stuck here for at least two years.  And I honestly don't think I can take that.  I love my family, but they're not the reason I need to leave town.  I need friends and human interaction 'cause I'm pretty sure my life skills are tanking because I don't remember how to deal with people who aren't my family.  And this town is not a town for making friends.

So my options are as follows:

Bellingham, WA - No family, no friends, just a college town in an area that I'm guessing I would like.  It's about two-hours south of my friend up in Canada, an hour south of Vancouver, so in theory, I could get a job in that city and commute or something.  Then in a year, once I have established residency/figured out what I want to do, I could go to school there, too.  Downside: no friends or family ties handy.  It snows.

Madison, WI - I have a friend there who I really miss and who has invited me many times to stay with her if I try relocating there. Downside: the rednecks do things backwards in WI, it snows, it's humid, and they get tornadoes.

Mississippi - my cousin invited me to go out there with her this summer "to get away from the security blanket" and "learn how to be a bitch!" Because bitchyness and strength is a female trait in our family that somehow skipped me.  Downside: rednecks, voudou, and humidity.

Georgia - because Maggie's there and she'll let anybody have a patch of floor. ::snerk::  Downside: rednecks, and humidity.

Florida - there's a school there that I could go to.  I have family down there somewhere I could probably bother for awhile.  Downside: that school is expensive, with limited career options as it's all entertainment industry.  Unless I wanted to go be a roadie.  Hmm.

Where do I go?
Make a case for or against in comments, plskthx?


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