writing: okay so it's fun being evil

Jan 22, 2010 15:49

Castle's intro now has some quote that goes something like "There are two kinds of folks who sit around thinking about how to kill people. Psychopaths, and mystery writers.   I'm the kind that pays better."

totally true.  as proved by a random plotting conversation between me and my cowriter.

phantascene  : Do we be kind for once, or is there no sense in letting perfectly good evil go to waste?
me:  no sense in perfectly good evil being wasted. there are monestaries in china that go without.  O:-)
phantascene :  LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other news... father and sibling discussing how to make NCIS:LA(sh) not suck.  their current suggestion is that the boys from Supernatural move over to NCIS:LA after they blow up dean and sam at the end of supernatural (i'm at least one of those who'd put money on this being spn's last season)

quotes. random, writing

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