life: Random!

Jan 19, 2010 16:38

Okay, so it's winding and raining like crazy outside.  Inside, I'm bored and taking a writing break.  Alas, not writing on novel.  I haven't unburied that muse yet.  chi1013 issued a challenge and I'm chasing that one while I've got it.  So in between words (occasionally waiting until I've hit full paragraphs!) I'm surfin' da netz.  Found things I must share because dey is fun.

First, teh cute:

Next, teh gey:

image Click to view

(Edit: because i ALWAYS forget to give credit before posting ::facepalm::  The vid was made by talitha78  )
I have viewed that vid so many times just for the mad vid skillz.  Pretty RDJ and JL too, of course.  I've prolly racked up half that view count over the past 24 hours.  ::shaking head at self:: It's good muse food tho!!

 I saw Sherlock Holmes this weekend, btw.  I'm no Holmes buff, never read the books and probably couldn't because I'm sure they're all in first person narrative and that stuff drives me CRAZY.  (Which is odd, because I read/write blogs all the time without it bothering me.  I think it must just be a classic, "Hello! You're gonna publish this! Make it less about you and more about the reader escaping in to it!" but who knows.)  But I definately enjoyed the movie.  It was wonderfully acted and very pretty for all the dark camera shots.  Awesome fight scenes.  And I liked the supernatural-turned-science plots because for some reason that's my cup'o'tea.  If that kind of storyline is really what the books are about, okay, yeah, maybe I'll try to add some of those into my reading schedule this year...  But that vid up there?  Nice summary of the entire movie. LOL!! 

vid, writing, random

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