I stand by my vote and challenge dem bastards to full disclosure.
Verbage from CourageCampaign but I signed my name to it, so I'll pass it along verbatim...
Have you heard about the Prop 8 trial starting on Monday?
There is some urgent and important news about the trial. I just took action and hope you will join me.
U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker -- who will be overseeing a federal court challenge to Prop 8 starting this Monday (January 11) -- is considering whether or not to open the court room to TV cameras. The court just announced that it is seeking public comment on the proposal to televise the trial -- and that all comments must be submitted to the court by a Friday deadline.
We have just this one chance to make our voices heard -- thousands of Americans calling for equality, transparency and accountability. That's why the Courage Campaign Institute is teaming up with CREDO Action to collect as many signatures as possible asking Judge Walker to televise the case.
I just signed a letter, asking Judge Walker to televise the Prop 8 trial. Will you join me? They need your signature by FRIDAY at 9 a.m.:
http://www.couragecampaign.org/TeleviseTheTrial If you know other people who believe this trial should be televised as well, please forward this message to them. On Friday, Courage and CREDO will hand-deliver all of our signatures to Judge Vaughn Walker before the deadline.
Thank you so much!