Politics - Int's No on 8 youtube searching results

Nov 18, 2008 00:29

i'm not sure exactly what started her off on this kick... but the results were interesting... so i figured i'd share.

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a no on 8 rally in CHICAGO?!?! ::headdesk:: could cali have fucked up any worse??

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but dude, i love this kid. he did another vid that was just a vlog basically... very profound thoughts coming out of this teenager. i approve!!! he kicks everybody's ass. definitely worth subscribing to his blog...

and there was a prop 8 PROTEST rally ... again in CHICAGO?!?!?!

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from the info on the above vid ....
"This is going to be fighting all the amendments passed recently in several states and will be occurring in almost every major city.

Please join the fight, see you saturday.


And a word to the wise: IF civil unions are the same as marriage anyway, then I'm sure you won't mind us having them too :D "

... and int and i, of course, find out about it the week AFTER. argh.


now... on to things that made me a weeeee bit MAD...

the next two are in response to that keith olbermann special comment on prop 8 that i posted last week.
and uhm.  he made me mad.
In all honesty, the attitudes like those expressed so passionately by this particular asshole is why i don't go to church anymore. of any stripe. people like him make it clear that Christianity has wandered far from the morals and values and meanings that it had when it was first around. i think a child's understanding, in that respect, would be the proper understanding of what it was intended to do. and people like this have corrupted it and made it ugly. just a thought because i'm obviously in that kind of a mood.

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this guy says "if god does not hate evil, then god is not good." ...last i knew, god and the devil -if you want to interpret that as the ultimate evil- were once on speaking terms until their ideals parted ways. one took the high road, the other took things a bit further south, if you will. and i think there's stuff in that bible he's quoting out of context about not judging one's brothers and letting that task fall to God on their Judgment day. is not a vote saying THOU SHALT NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! a rather class-action judgment against the "lambs who went astray"?

ARRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! God, save me from your followers...

just a note, too... in response to keith olbermann's 6minute22second special comment... this guy posted FOUR 8-MINUTE VIDS. I haven't let myself go check out his website yet, the url for it's on that vid's page, but i'm thinking he's gotta be either a preacher or a really bad lawyer the way he talks in circles forever about nothing. and people thought *I* rambled.

youtube, ranty, prop 8, politics

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