getting in a post before LJ does its stupid move thing

Nov 17, 2008 22:32

btw, for the record, i whole heartedly DISAPPROVE of lj's moving from frisco to montana. 
1) frisco is just down the road from me, and damnit, it's nice to have at least LJ in MY freakin' timezone.  
2) frisco - as it is located in northern cali - has virtually NO weather... we have summer and we have rain-time.  there is no in-between.  maybe a week of spring.  so why the HELL do they think they need to move the california-climate-oriented systems to some place that not only has weather but has EXTREME weather? 
brains, people? woulda been nice if you'd grown some?
this is why they don't ask me MY opinion.
so why did i have my shitshitfuckfuck post up?
that situation has not been wholly rectified but i've done my part. so i figure i might as well esplain myself.

yasee, it all started back in may...

i started getting migraines on a daily basis.  i started having constant problems breathing, could never get out of the asthmatic rut, no matter how good i was about the stupid inhaller.  my dad - who had up till that point been doing great and pulling OUT of his migraines - started getting his migraines back, and they came back as a CONSTANT thing.  not the intermittent, once a week or twice a month that he'd gotten used to.  it was CONSTANT.  but there was nothing that we could figure out that was any different from before.  it started the both of us off on a new round of drs appointments and tests and meds and everything.  we're still having the problems.  but now we know why.

around that time, a smell showed up in our front and back yards, that smelled just like a skunk.  it reeked.  it's still here, in fact, to this day.  it is like a cross between skunk smell and burning wire.  we thought that a skunk was making the rounds again, because aussie had been sprayed by a skunk back in early december or so.  so it was assumed that there was nothing we could actually do about the stupid skunk other than let aussie out and hope she could scare the critter off.  at that time, jeston was working for my folks and he was complaining about the smell of weed, but all we could smell was the stupid skunk.

then a couple weeks ago, emily's hubby dropped by and i dragged him around to show off the back yard.  the first thing he says is "oh wow... someone's having a party."
to which i said, "huh?" and looked around my party-less yard in confusion.
he nods toward the neighbor's house and says "smells like weed.  lots of it."

and because of the source of the comment, and the persistence of the smell - early may to mid october at this point - i started to get suspicious.  mom had said that she'd been out in the back yard a few times, early in the morning, and the folks next door were tossing back a tarp off of a make-shift greenhouse.  so between that and the smell, we called the pd for info on what weed would smell like versus a meth lab (since that place is a rental) just to be sure it wasn't anything stronger than a 420 greenhouse.  pd said it's probably just a medicinal thing and there's nothing that can be done about it.

then some stuff happened with dad, he was getting sicker instead of better.  and i was getting fed up with the 'what ifs' so i went up on our roof.  i kicked some leaves out of the gutters while i was up there to make it look like i had a reason to be there.  and what did i see?

the entire YARD of my next door neighbor's rental property is filled with MJ. growing strong and tall and bushy.  and smelly.  i kinda sorta got pissed the fuck off and wasn't too careful about how i took pictures after that point.  i climbed right up to the ridge of the house (Btw, i really kinda like hanging out on our roof.  totally cool place.) and leaned on it to try to get a better angle.  and as i'm just taking the last shot, one of the dumbasses who are tending this wonderful, stinky garden walked right out on to his front porch and started sweeping the walkway.  there was no way the guy couldn't have seen me if he had bothered to look up ever.

thankfully i was wearing a sweater that matched the roof shingles, either that or he just really is a dumbass, and he apparently didn't see me.

here, have more piccys because i am just so proud of myself for having been so sneaky as to have not gotten caught taking them - so yea! i might as well post them on the internets!!! - that i simply must share the joy that is having a 420 garden in your neighbor's yard.

so what if i can't breathe?  so what if dad and i get migraines?  so what if both of us have nearly been hospitalized over it?  their little kid gets to play among the pot leaves!!! he gets to play soccer and paint on the painting/chalk board eisel and slide on the slide... and what tv on the back porch with the bbq and the vodka bottles!!!

so yeah.  i'm more than a little pissed off.

oh, and insult to the injury.  behind the green tarp there? is a boys group home.  ya know, the kinda place where there's cops over about once a month or so, and where the 24-hour a day staffers have to be trained in drug recognition to keep their kids AWAY from the drugs.

talk about putting the cookie jar in reach of the little grabby baby hands.

so yeah.  i'm kinda pissed off.  and praying those dumbasses aren't the armed sort of dumbasses since i was playing with my camera right over one of their dumb heads.

ranty, wtf, lj fkup, alcohol?, potheads

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