Jul 31, 2018 03:15
A couple of weeks ago, My sister and I went to see "Won't You be my Neighbor?" The biography of Mr. Fred Rogers. I cried through the whole thing. He was genuine and caring and truly loved his fellow man. I cried for two reasons. First: it was beautiful to see someone fight so hard to let you know that someone loves you and that it's okay to feel the feelings that you feel. That aside from being just another human being,you are special. And second, I had forgotten the teachings of Mr. Rogers. I had forgotten that I am special and that i do matter and that i am loved. I had gone so long fighting myself and my surroundings. I do genuinely love people. I've just fallen out of habit of appreciating myself
I often struggle with depression. the fights are often long and dark. I'm not suicidal, but some days I just lay in bed and try to will myself out of existence. I'm trying to be a good father, partner and business owner, but i just can't find the energy for anything. Only a few things have ever been easy for me, unfortunately it's not anything that's ever mattered in the real world.