Title: Love Letters to Koschei, age 31
Author: von_gelmini
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Theta/Koschei
Rating: G
WordCount: 681
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who. I am not writing this for profit.
Written for Love Letters prompt #17 - Enemies
Love Letters to Koschei, age 31
My forever Koschei,
In one more week we will stand before the High Priest, the Lord President, and the Council in the Panopticon. I’m scared, Kosch. I’ve already been apart from you for three days and they won’t let me see you until the wedding. Although the Council representative did make quite a point of saying that I could see you immediately if I called the whole thing off.
We have enemies I didn’t even know we had. And they don’t want us to marry, love. That’s been made abundantly clear. I sense such fear, love. They are terrified of us being together. I can’t figure it out. Why should we two matter so much in the grand scheme of the Time Lords? I know that must thrill your ego to think that we do, but it scares me. People destroy what they fear.
The Priests have tried every day to convince me that if we must be wed, it should be in the least degree possible. The old High Priest even lost his temper and swore. How dare we presume to bind ourselves to the Seventh Degree? It was never meant to be used, but only to be held as an ideal, never to be actually attained. I didn’t know that it had only been used six times before in all of recorded history. Did you know that when you proposed to me? Of course you did. You’re brilliant. Nothing like that would’ve escaped you. I can’t believe you want me like that. Do you truly love me so much? I know I do you. Nothing will ever change that. So I told the sour old man to stuff it. We are already bound to the end of time and nothing he can do will change that. My Koschei loves me and I love him and we are forever whether he likes that word or not.
He threatened to refuse to marry us, but I already know that is an empty threat. He can’t refuse. There are no impediments between us. You have your Father’s permission, as long as he can hold your Mother’s tongue. My family doesn’t really matter anymore, since my House has shunned me for my part in your divorce. I can’t really blame them though. They’re just trying to hold onto their position, besides they never really thought of me as a part of them in the first place.
I suppose the Priest realized he wasn’t going to get anywhere with me. So yesterday, instead of the visit from the Herald that I was expecting, the Lord President herself came to see me. She didn’t even pretend to the pleasantries and rituals of conversation. She told me that I had done enough damage by insisting on the divorce. I’ve cost your Father the Chancellorship and shamed your House. Jealousy like mine was the fault of my Mother’s influence on my breeding, and not befitting a true Time Lord. My House was right to disavow me after the divorce and save themselves the dishonor. Someone of my background should have been honored that you would even consider me as a second husband.
I wanted to scream, Kosch, just absolutely scream. But was she right? The things she said... Have I’ve ruined your entire family? Not only won’t your Father gain position, but as long as she is Lord President, no one from your House will advance. All of that I could live with, but then she threatened you. Any ambitions you have yourself would never happen, she promised, if I marry you at all to any degree. I have no idea why they all feel this way. Oh, love, what have I done? I know that you say that you don’t have any political ambitions, but she can block your grants, withhold research approvals, who knows what else?
She’s the Lord President. I didn’t even think she’d have any idea as to who we were. Especially who I was. She knows everything. I can’t do that to you. Kosch, I’m so sorry. I know you must have your own little worms with you telling you these same things. Your honor won’t let you do the right thing, so let me. Let me call off the marriage. Oh, I still want it -- so very much -- but I just can’t make you pay that price. No ceremony can diminish or add to what we are together. It’s silly of me to insist on it. As long as I can still be your Θ, that’s all that matters. I never meant to fuck things up so bad, Kosch. I’m really, really sorry.
Yours forever