Title: Love Letters to Koschei, age 5
Author: von_gelmini
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Theta/Koschei
Rating: G
WordCount: 148
Warnings: math & physics optional :-)
Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who. I am not writing this for profit.
Written for Love Letters prompt #53 - Play
Love Letters to Koschei, age 5
Come and play with me Koschei.
Mom is baking biscuits. We can have a tea party. The tea is from Earth. The biscuits too. Does Aunt Jasmine fix you biscuits? The chocolate ones are my favorites but we have the blackberry jam ones you like, too. Father gave me a new set of equations today. I’ll share with you and we can work them together. It might take a long time. Can you stay the night? I even cleaned up my room so you’ll like it. He said the answer is very pretty and that if we work it out we can have what it is as a reward, there’s one for each of us. He must think it’s easy because he said they’re light problems. It sure looks pretty hard to me. I’m waiting for you to work it with me. It’ll be so much fun.
δ = θi + θi_ + α
n=sin(1/2 (δmin+α) )/sin(1/2 α)
D = dδ/dλ= dδ/dn dn/dλ
Dδ/dn = 2 sin(1/2α)/cos( 1/2 (δmin + α))