May 19, 2009 19:21
A few days ago, an acquaintance of mine who runs a distribution label out of his living room sold me Satyricon's Shadowthrone album. I used to be a HUGE fan of these guys, then kind of tapered off when I was discovering other things...
Anyway, I'd heard the album before, albeit in a fragmentary state - a few tracks on a CDR, basically - and figured since Dude was willing to sell it for cheap,I might as well throw the real thing into my "collection" (ha) once and for all. Then I put it on just for the hell of it ,and by Lucifer it was like stepping into a cool freezer on a hot day.
So Satyr is an arrogant, pretentious douchebag of revolting proportions, but I have to say: I still love Satyricon! It occured to me on re-listening to Shadowthrone that this band, no matter what they did, always maintained a very particular Satyricon flavor in whatever they were doing. Even during Phase 2 of the band (I mean the turn they took with Rebel Extravaganza, and all that) - in fact, maybe moreso during Phase 2. I'm hard put to describe this particular "flavor" if you will, but it's my own damned blog and I shan't explain myself if I needn't! Or.. feeln't. Anyway, I also wanted to say that, despite what everyone else says, I think Phase 2 Satyricon is pretty fucking cool too, I LIKED Rebel Extravaganza and I REALLY LIKED Volcano and I've only heard a few songs off the other most recent two but satandammit I LIKE what I've heard from those two as well. SO THERE!
And now, I am off to a bar to listen a Woody Allen-esque character named Dave playing Beatles-esque music live.