Aug 28, 2005 21:20
you are the victim....and why is that? oh, no worries.....I don't want to bicker with you about whose place it is to be the victim...I would never let you make me into one. I'm just questioning you're reasoning behind it all. I think you enjoy it; the attention that is. You have never really been a victim and you know it, I think this makes you realize how malevolent you actually are. You have humiliated, aggrieved and decieved people continually. Is that it? Does playing the part of a victim make you feel better for the wrongs you have delt others? You have a family that loves you, you've been pampered and privilege, at one point you even had friends that actually loved you, despite your simulated intuitiveness. You're hurt because I am not what you thought I was. You above all people should know that I rarely ever showed my true colors, tell me, why would I make an acception for you? Perhaps you are completely deserving of the victim status you're so urgent to claim, but not for the reasons you adopt to persuade others of your innocence. You're a victim because you expect people to be one way and stay this way forever. You're a victim because you never anticipated change , something that is constantly transfiguring, especially within the human soul. You're a victim because you believe that you are.