While Bella was dreaming (haha kelly)

Jul 28, 2004 20:43

well im bored right now....between a circuit being blown for my room(not bathroom though) and the half of the the room that contains my xbox, tv, and playstation and the fact that everyone is busy at the current moment...makes it so im not doing anything. Not too much new lately, just hanging out getting ready for football/school to start.

Ha i love how i sit and brood on things and piss myself off easily, not to mention like greg says, when i justify things in my head that might upset me, everyone starts saying things so i doubt myself and i start to worry haha not fun. haha speaking of that, last night that happened quite a bit and we were going on a late night 7-11 run and i thought of the funniest/craziest thing (cover your eyes if you're not of age to see anything obscene) hah but we were sitting there saying that this girl wanted a "greg burrito" with extra sour cream when greg was talking to her and we were going to taco bell and then we said something about girls that turn out to me psycho bondage freaks or whatever and that went to eurotrip and that big thing with like 4 dildos on it and i was like "dude what if a guy put a strap-on pointing behind him, and he did two girls...one in front of him and one behind him" haha so yeah you see where my creativity goes when i decide not to play guitar or write songs. but yeah then we proceeded to stay up until 5:00 am watching Emperor's new groove(great movie) and then School of Rock, which i didnt think was as good as a lot of people made it out to be but it wasnt bad, while playing risk.

ehh im just gonna stop writing, its kind of boring and im sure it is to read so yeah hope everyone is doing GRAND
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