Oct 08, 2007 01:58
Chuk: Yeah, I know. I just watched most of that bit with my roommate, Meryl. She was freaked out by it just a little. She ended up leaving after most of the main Jesus points were made and saying, "I wish they weren't playing ominous music..." HA!
I know what it is... The first part is believable cause we're open to it and there's evidence for it. The second two parts are "ominous portents" and the evidence is shaky. The will to disbelieve is strong and the evidence is shitty. Of course, the evidence was carted away before any truly independent investigation. Of course, the Feds would investigate. No question, but... Scientifically speaking the evidence was never peer reviewed. The commission came yeeeeeeeeeears later and fucking Kissinger was supposed to lead it at first... Come on, dude. You gotta wonder sometimes.
That right there.
That's when I start entertaining the Moobats. I wanna know what they are chattering about over there. It's scary shit, even if 1/4 of it is true. Building 7 alllllllllllllllways creeped me out. WTF? It's semi-convincing. Just... you know... for a minute... what if?
That right there.
Damn.... If it's true... "What we gone' do naw, Pappy?"
"Well, son. Naw we gone' fight."
Is that the fucking answer to anything anymore? Certainly that's unacceptable behavior. Violence is a blatant violation of another's personal space, their liberty and whatnot. I'm agin' it!
So... I didn't even resolve whether or not the 2nd & 3rd parts were utter bullshit. I just grabbed the shotgun and jumped right into the pick-up.
Back to the evidence, the lack thereof, the complete fucking mystery of it all. I wasn't there. I don't know. Same goes for the smoke-filled boardrooms of the world. I don't know what they're doing in there. Panicking maybe. Worrying about how to squeeze more profit out of the widgets perhaps. A vast worldwide conspiracy of powerful men? I sometimes wonder if those kind of men could ever truly work together. They always seem so competitive, even amongst each other.
Perhaps at a certain level of wealth, one attains to a position where other people of similar wealth are no longer a real threat and one can agree to work together to ensure that the status quo remains in place... that is if one is comfortable. These observations could apply to any strata actually. Only the poor, and/or less-than-ungodly-wealthy, might band together to change things rather than fight each other to grab more things.
Now I'm feeling all philosophical...
Do I think the ultra-rich, the families that have been ultra-rich for centuries, conspire against the upper middle class to keep them down? No. They just entertain them at parties. Do the ultras conspire against the upper classes? Not so much. Middle classes? Not really. The middles need to keep shit progressing. The lower classes? Nope. That's pretty much handled by religion, entertainment, bread, circuses, and wild moonbat conspiracy thriller blockbuster movies.
It all neatly slides into place. We're all on a round world the last time I checked.
God is a thing between you and God. Do what you want, but don't bother me with it.
Perhaps a unification of all the various paths to Kether might do the world some good. Maybe, but that's a long way off.
Patriotism is the root of all evil. Mayhaps. The old idea that the "other" is less than. Maybe that shit was efficient and usefull last century... Or maybe it lost it's usefullness as soon as the Enlightenment dawned. That could be. The fucking technology inherent in diddling around with the elements and looking at everything clearly and methodically inevitably gave the species new toys. The toys we made reflected our tendency to go to our neighbors house and beat his ass and take his shit.
Really now.
I've been rolling that idea around in my head for awhile.
Imagine this: You're just chilling at home enjoying your stuff, your family, your dull and unfulfilling job, right? You've been living there for a long time. Your grandparents once owned that house. In fact, everybody on the block has been living there for a long time, getting along just fine. There's some murmuring about who owned what before that, but...
Every few years you all even get together and play the neighborhood olympics. Sure, the Feldsteins don't get along with the Druckers, but they politely avoid one another and everyone has a good time.
So, it's all good. Then one day, your old friend down the street looks at you funny. You start to not like this dude so much. Maybe he's not mowing his lawn as often as you think he should. You start noticing other things he does that you don't like. Maybe you're jealous of his sweet ride too, but you don't admit it to yourself. You start to notice he doesn't treat his kids too well and his wife is all meek and shit and never speaks up for herself. Yeah, maybe he really is kind of a prick.
So, what do you do? You start telling everybody you think he's a dick. Everyone agrees. You call him nasty names and begin to threaten him. Everyone wants to know WHY you think he's an asshole. They want proof. Maybe they'll help you handle it if you can prove your point. So you start telling everybody about the way he treats his kids and how he treats his wife and kicks his dog and assrapes the mailman. He's got nukes in his attic and bubonic plague in the shed and if we don't kick his ass now he's going to take over the neighborhood and eat your cats and chain your daughters to the... What? Where did all that come from? I thought it was really hard to make nukes and the dude in question hasn't left the house in years.... He's been spooked by the jets you've been flying over his air zones while you kept out all the delivery boys and shit. You were just keeping an eye on him for the last twelve years after you gave him an ass-whuppin' cuz he tried to steal his next-door neighbors stuff...
The metaphor is beginning to grow a bit thin here. The whole sequence of the idea went rather quickly in my mind and now I'm elaborating for narrative effect... It's becoming complicated by the facts...
The point is: What the fuck? Instead of calling the cops or conferring with your neighbors, you just decide to ignore everybody and get up one day and walk over to the dude's house and drag him out of bed kick him to the floor and shoot him in the soft spot? You're just gonna move into his house and start using his stuff and hope the little ones don't get in the way while you shoot his older son's who are just trying to protect their mother?
It's all a very sad sorry affair. Like I said: unacceptable behavior. That shit wouldn't fly on Scholar Lane, my friend.
Let's oppose the obvious and the empiracally verifiable fucked-up shit. Leave the unproven theories to the Moonbats. They sometimes do good work. Exhibit A: The Jesus Myth exposed. Eventually the truth might slip out about a lot of things. Let me know when you have a verifiable, undeniable smoking gun. Also, just try to implant me, you bastards.
col. sanders,
loony ramblings