and it was pretty clear that it was hardly love.

Aug 23, 2005 17:53

I remember when the days were long,
And the nights when the living room was on the lawn.
Constant quarreling, the childish fits, and our clothes in a pile on the ottoman.
All the slander and double-speak
Were only foolish attempts to show you did not mean
Anything but the blatant proof was your lips touching mine in the photobooth.

so i hate when the computer decides to freeze and it doesn't go through.  it's fantastic.

And as the summer's ending,
The cool air will put your hard heart away.
You were so condescending..
And this is all that's left:
Scraping paper to document.
I've packed a change of clothes and it's time to move on.

so.. summer's almost over.  mixed feelings about going to school tomorrow.. waking up early = not so fantastic ... but then again, seeing everybody every day can't be too.. bad..?  i dont know.. transition from summer to school is going to be hard.. and i wonder what the end of the summer will mean.. and i wonder if the things from the summer will transition into the school year.  hmm.. we'll see. (i hope) ... goodbye summer.. hello, high school.  and more importantly.. freshman year.

Cup your mouth to compress the sound,
Skinny dipping with the kids from a nearby town.
And everything that I said was true,
As the flashes blinded us in the photobooth.
Well, I lost track, and then those words were said.
You took the wheel and you steered us into my bed.
Soon we woke and I walked you home,
And it was pretty clear that it was hardly love.

oh.. and.. because of recent events.. i'll probably be trying to make these entries so you have to be logged in to read it.. or just on your subscriptions page or something.. because.. yeah.  it just hasn't been good.

And as the summer's ending,
The cool air will rush your hard heart away.
You were so condescending.
And this is all that's left:
Scraping paper to document.
I've packed a change of clothes and it's time to move on.

mmm... first football game: August 26th... it's home and starts at 7:30 PM.  against Reynoldsburg.  be there to root on the team and (more importantly
) watch the band!  and cheer us on.  it'll be fun, i promise.

And as the summer's ending,
The cool air will rush your hard heart away.
You were so condescending,
As the alcohol drained the days.

aaand the award for the song of the end of the summer is.... (drumroll please) Photobooth by Death Cab For Cutie (the lyrics are underlined) .. aah. it's just soo good!  but yeah.. i'll see you guys tomorrow
  bright and early.

And as the summer's ending,
The cool air will rush your hard heart away.
You were so condescending.
And this is all that's left:
The empty bottles, spent cigarettes.
So pack a change of clothes, 'cause it's time to move on.
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