Rules: - Bold each of the following TV shows of which you've seen 3 or more episodes. - Italicize a show if you're positive you've seen every episode. - Asterisk if you have at least one full season on tape or DVD.
Comment to this post saying something - anything - about me. I'll then put what you've said in my profile. This means that you can say I eat babies, and it will still go up to describe me to the world. Then post this in your journal, so we can do the same thing for you! I will leave it in my profile for at least a month.
Would you be as kind as to fill this out for me plz?
Name: Age: Location: Aim: Myspace: Facebook: Interests/Fandoms: Five adjectives to describe your personality: One thing you like about yourself: One thing you like about me so far: Anything you wanna add: Pictures?