Mid Century Living room in Maxis Woods + 18 paintings

Jan 22, 2013 16:01

I have a lot of conversions but I desperatedly needed some recolours. Tanguska mentioned she needed recolours as well and I asked her what her favourite set was. It was the Mid Century living room, so I did that one first!

What did I recolour from that set? Only the woods and the frames (and the plantstand). Fabric recolours may come later. I have included the meshes, but I encourage you to download the whole set by HCove because there are quite a few fabric recolours as well as some objects I left alone. The bookcase requires FreeTime.

Download MidCentury Living set

And, as a sort extra, 18 painting recolours on my all-time favourite base game Suspense mesh. The sceneries are by Eversims. For more use out of these paintings, get these Feast of Frames add-ons by Buggybooz.



sims: paintings, sims: objects, sims: downloads, sims 2

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