sheafrotherdon is holding a positive festival of J/R kissing over at her journal, here. Go join in! It's hot!
(I posted mine here, and even managed to bring it into the context of comfort zone and Sheppard's mouth tastes like Athosian tea, so siegeofangels? purna? This one's for you.)
It's a good day to have let that bandwagon rattle on by. What spooge there was!
But hey, if anyone wants some non-SPN fic from an author who is but a sad glow-worm on the bottom of fandom's boot ( the kind of fan you SHOULD be commenting! ... *facepalm*) I really feel like writing some comment fic. Please prompt me: it's the
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Ah, seigeofangels? thepouncer, purna, stillane? Please disregard any deadlines promised - if all of these go the same way as the first prompt is currently going, they'll be a little while. And they won't be particularly short. And they will so need betas
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I am bored. Bored bored bored. And very unproductive. I haven't written a thing since my entry for the reel_sga challenge stalled, and I'm sick of my own sucktasticness
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All right. I liked it way too much last time, even though I stayed up 'til ridiculous hours replying, because I felt accomplished! I even managed a small amount of porn!
So: prompt me for a commentfic. I'm wide open
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