Sep 17, 2004 14:37
It's (as usual) been so long... so much has happened and so many things have changed. Where to begin... With me I suppose, I'm now 22, almost 23. I moved out of my parents' house, and in with my boyfriend, Danny. We live in a new town, I work at a new job, in a new industry; who would have thought that I would go from stuffy boring office work into the relative blur of the food service field. I'm still smoking, drinking a little too often, and eating as shittily as ever. Is that a word? Shittily? Doubtful...
So, from the top... Danny and I were casually seeing eachother the Christmas season before last, but we never got serious... We lost touch, he moved to the city for school, I started dating another guy... etc. We started talking again in September, and pretty soon we were hanging out every weekend. I wasn't out looking for love or anything more than a good time really, and I thought that he felt the same, but I found myself missing him when I was home, calling him when I was bored, and wondering what he was doing... We talked about it and it turned out that he felt the same way, so we got more and more serious as time went on. It went from weekends together to 3 day weekends and so on and so forth.
As time went by, we got closer and closer and I was hoping to move to the city to maybe start school and work at a good restaurant, but he finally told me that he was miserable there, and felt like he was wasting his money on school when he didn't even know if he was in the field he wanted to pursue. He told me that he had already made arrangements to move home. I was a little disappointed at first, I have to admit, I really didn't want to stay here, but I was so happy at the prospect of being close to him.
Danny moved home, and I started moving up at the restaurant... We found a perfect little house that my friend was moving out of, so we jumped on it. It was dump at first, but we really busted ass. I sanded down and refinished the floors, we painted everything, even the cabinets, and put in ceiling fans, light fixtures and wall sconces. The floor started out almost black in some places, because the guy who lived here before my friend would spill beer and let the dog piss and shit everywhere and he never cleaned because he was too busy burning out on and selling coke... Yay. I love it when people come up to me at night and ask me if Charlie is home. The walls had scuff marks from his bike and various other marks and stains everywhere, the floor in the bathroom was molding. It looks great now, the floors are a beautiful warm brown, the walls are freshly painted, and we have modern comfortable furniture. The landlord completely redid the bathroom for us because he was so happy that we fixed the place up, and it's really classic. Black and white roman tile floor and shower, new pedastal sink and a new jon. He's going to redo the kitchen as well, and on top of all that, he promised never to raise the rent.
Let's see... where next? Oh, we got a kitten together, and she is the most interesting pet I've ever had. She's almost 4 months old now, and she has so much personality (that or she's mentally challenged). Either way, she's really cute and her name is Stinky, for obvious reasons.
New topic, the new job I think. Well the last job I had was at an accounting firm, being whisked around from file clerk to reception and back again. It was really boring, doing financial statements, payroll calculations and record maintenance all day, having to take out all my piercings and listen to elevator music. I only made $8.00 an hour, which really made it not worth it, so I said, "Fuck it" and started a mad job hunt. I realized that the only way I could get bank without working 40 hours a week was to get into a restaurant, but I had no experience, so all the franchise corporate restaurants wouldn't hire me, fuck em... Finally the Armenian accountant that I worked for told me I should go to the Vintage Press, because he knew the owner, who was also Armenian, and he even suggested how I should approach him. So I followed his advice, a week later I had an interview, a week later I worked my first catering (where most new people start to get experience), the next day they pulled me into the restaurant because they needed extra help, and I was on the next weeks schedule.
I started out bussing in the dining room, and did so for about a month before moving into the kitchen to foodserve/expedite, whatever people prefer to call it. After 2 weeks of that, I started serving, and I've been doing so ever since. I worked my way up to the best station and have established myself as the "go to guy." People come to me with questions and problems, I train new people and get the tables that need "special attention." Danny hates it, because I take my job so seriously, but you would too if you could work 32 hours a week and take home 500 to 800 a week (AFTER TAXES).
What else... You know, I don't know what else is relevant at the moment, and I got shit to do, so, until next time...