Dec 08, 2003 15:02
Well, I can't remember the last time that I actually posted my thoughts, I do know that it has certainly been months. I am sitting here at work, with absolutely nothing of interest to do, and I thought I'd get to it. I probably will get interrupted and have to finish this entry at home, but that's fine with me. There, I've already been interrupted once. Anyhow.
I don't really know where to start. So much stuff has gone down. When last we spoke, Matt and I were having all that post break up strife. It got a little worse for a while, and then I finally removed myself from the equation, deciding that it wasn't worth trying to salvage the friendship, indeed, there was no friendship there to begin with, just attraction, that never was my strong point.
After that, in my typical fashion, I saught to get away, I joined the Navy, and got the highest possible score on the ASVAB. I went into the nuclear field, and was scheduled to ship out in April of 2004. My recruiter told me to lie about all sorts of stuff on my background, assuring me that it would be no problem. Well it turned out to be a problem. My bankruptcy made me too much of a liability for that field, and the only options I had were really shitty positions, doing brainless work that would never give me any opportunity for advancement, that made my motivation to go into the Navy next to nothing. The only reason I went in was to get the nuclear training so that I could go into the civilian market after my service. So I told them that they could take their security clearance and shove it. They discharged me for being gay of course, so as to avoid an investigation into the recruiting office that instructed me to be dishonest... Bygones.
That spanned a good 5 or 6 months from start to finish, in which time I jumped through there little hoops, I went to their meetings, learned their stuff, did physical training and various other stuff, and it was actually pretty cool, I was really disappointed that things turned out the way that they did, but I know they did so for a reason. More shall be explained in due time.
I started seeing a guy from Porterville for a while, and that was fun. He was very nice, and I had a good time with him, but it just wasn't going to be anything more, so we didn't take anything very far (I was pretty proud of myself). Through him I met a some really cool people, that I still see here and there. After that whole thing I decided that I was getting involved with guys that weren't right for me because I wasn't really at the right place for anything more than friendship, so I went on a no guy discipline.