"2006 marks the 10th anniversary of "Beast Wars: Transformers", and the 20th anniversary of "Transformers: The Movie"." ~ Lifted from
Iacon one website
Yeah... here. Let me bold the part I don't belive.
"2006 marks the 10th anniversary of "Beast Wars: Transformers", and the 20th anniversary of "Transformers: The Movie"."
20 years since the Transformers Movie... I was only two when it came out. I'm not sure what to think...
I mean, it doesn't really make me feel all that old... and yet... at the same time I feel kind of... conflicted I suppose. I mean, by Primus (couldn't resist there ^_^; ) I knew I didn't see it in the theaters but I surely didn't think I was -THAT- young.
As some of you know, I'm a big Transformers fan and this... this just sort of takes me by surprise.