Lunch thoughts # 61

Apr 23, 2012 12:22

So I got the new tattoo work done last Friday.

I don't know exactly at what point a load of joined-up tattoos on one arm can be considered a 'sleeve' but I must surely now be approaching it. The back of the forearm's not a particularly nice area for getting inked, due to the needle's close proximity to bone and the difficulty afterwards of not knocking that part of the arm against things, but it went pretty well all considered and is healing nicely.

At the St. George's Day event in Croydon on Saturday - I think there was an Irish folk band playing at the time. It was actually quite a nice family day out and not the orgy of looting, arson and homicide that we'd all expected.

We arrived home after the festival to find our power was out. It didn't get fixed until about 10:30pm, which kind of wrote of all my plans to do creative things for the rest fo the evening.

The Alternative Bring & Buy on Sunday was good fun as always; I wandered about chatting to people I don't otherwise see very often and bought a couple of CDs. Afterwards the family and I headed to Camden, had a great Japanese bento meal, mourned the empty space where Resurrection Records had been until recently, wandered around in Cyberdog for a bit and Lande got some new boots in preparation for WGT. Roll on May!

croydon, photos, tattoos, camden

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