ran out of steam

Sep 12, 2003 09:39

Two of my favourite compliments here so far have been "You're the shit," and "You're fired." The first was from my frisbee captain, and it made me happy for the whole night because I really want to do well, and was thinking of myself as pretty good for three days but it was great to hear it from her. The wording, which does have it drawbacks, also made it special in its own way. The latter was from my philosophy professor this morning, when I apparently made a too-insightful comment that dove straight to the heart of the problem rather than taking it step by step. I just got out of class and I am so enthused. Every time someone makes a really insightful comment, he blows them a kiss and says "I wish I weren't married." Even the guys. That makes him sound fey but he's really not. He's so incredibly enthusiastic and encourages really amazing discussion- it doesn't hurt that the kids in the class are also really involved and willing to go out on a limb. Plus, his name is Schuldenfrei. That's one of the best philosopher names I've ever heard, certainly the best philosophy professor name (I still have a soft spot in my word-loving heart for Schopenhauer). Though my advisor's first name is Hans, which is also pretty cool.

Things have been going really well. I'm on the ultimate frisbee team (in case you didn't catch that), and it's a ton of fun. There's definitely a girl-team vibe, but in a really positive way rather than the bitchy, exclusive way that is so commonly found on soccer teams. The sport itself is exhilerating too. Even though I still feel a little silly saying I "play frisbee," I'm sure that will change after it's been more than three days.

I had class at 8:30 so now I have time to kill before the next one at 10:30. This is my first day on this schedule but I like it. It also means I have one class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 11:20-12:35. Check that shit out.

I'm going to do my semantics- I'll be so impressed with myself if I finish it because it's not due until WEDNESDAY, and I'll just be managing my time so well. There's still reading to do.
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