Aug 08, 2005 20:16
Would you trade 60 yrs of joyful bliss only to endure the lonesome hell the next 10? i can't seem to get this thought out of my mind, through tragedy do i see this same scenario repeated...and realize my worst fear. Time flies by when you're having fun, but when there is no more fun to be is hell. Ahh the age old friends vs. significant other battle in my head, no just for me personally but for the others around me... what is so alluring for the S.O? I can find the comfort, love and happiness in friends, why does it seem like no one else can? It can/used to seem like bliss everyday for everyone(IMHO) yet friendships are lost, broken or tossed aside all for the attention of one person...the idea doesnt baffle me, everyone has that one person they feel more attached to, just why does it have to be at the expense of others? there are several people i feel that way about, yet am constantly overlooked/set aside for someone else...?
Just a thought i wanted for last, feel free to post any opinions, im always looking for new points of view.
Alas in the local despairity in my life lately there are two moments i must mention as they demonstrate that proverbial "Ray of Hope" to be (especially not bein religious)
1.) The phone call from heather- Something so simple can go such a long way, i cant thank you enough for what that simple and surprise thought did heather, sorry if i was abrupt or anything. You are extremely caring and deserve better (Both battles you lost) and i hope you find someone (friend or otherwise) who shows you the same kindness you show others.
2.) "Awww man i'm fistin it now"-lol True joy can be so simple and envigorating it amazes me. Playing video games with jason so often something funny was bound to happen, ask him about it, im sure he'll oblige. And i must thank someone who goes out of their way to make time for me/anyone else and can entertain me and enjoy my omplany as much as i enjoy theirs.
Dane cook on the 27th anyone?