So, wow.

Aug 08, 2008 21:00

As a symbol of my determination to actually use this damn LJ once in a while, I think I should summarise:

1. Losing my doggy best friend, who has been by my side since I was four years old, and not even being there for the final vet trip OR the scattering of the ashes sucks remarkably hard.

2. Vidding SGA is so HARD for me. Why is this? Man, I long for the days of vidding DS when I actually ocassionally felt like I was being original, rather than this constant, "Oh, jeez. Are people sick of this angle already? Maybe I should use THIS clip instead? Ohhh, but it doesn't WORK as well!" Sigh, man. Sigh. At this rate, this vid will be ready by next summer.

3. When my parents decide, a scant couple weeks after the previously mentioned death of a beloved family pet, that they want to go get a new one, it plays havoc with the heart strings. Am I ready for a new dog in my life? Does my opinion even count, as I'm going back to uni in October? Is it wrong, to actually feel pretty damn excited about the fact that my parents and I will be going to a sanctuary tomorrow to go look at the animals? Siiiiigh.

Well, whatever. Back to the vidding!
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