Why do I have this LJ again?

May 03, 2008 02:20

I guess it's just in case I accidentally manage to have a tiny spark of PG rated creativity.

Trio coda

Along with a medical team, John was there to meet them when they stepped back through the Gate, and it definitely said something -- although what exactly, was still up in the air -- that at the sight of the Colonel's half-vacant, half-concerned visage, all of the screaming agony in Rodney's hands and back disappeared to make way for the fizzing lump of unease dropping into his stomach.

"Colonel Sheppard or Ronon?"

"Sheppard," Rodney had replied in the same beat, realising just too late that not only had his answer come way too fast, but that the question had in fact been aimed at Sam, who smoothly pasted over his humiliation by ignoring it and giving Keller the standard as-commander-I-couldn't-possibly-comment-either-way Get Out Of Jail Free card as Rodney was stammering over a shaky, "I mean, because Ronon would probably crush me under his huge, caveman body and I have a finely tuned sense of self-preservation at work here."

Later, Rodney had in turn ignored her when she added, in his direction, "Nice save, though."

"Hey, Rodney." And suddenly the memory was burned away and Rodney was stuck in a far too public place, facing down the absolutely last person in two galaxies he could reasonably be expected to mantain any level of cool around. "I guess you were the hero of the story this time, huh?"

The retort that was forming on Rodney's lips died the moment he actually met John's eyes and he saw that, above everything else, John looked damn proud. The caustic ball in Rodney's stomach melted instantly, spreading warmth out and through his entire body. He quickly assembled another suitably sarcastic reply, but it was nowhere near acerbic enough.

Many wet, sloppy thanks to bipolypesca for looking it over first.

Oh, the life of an only rarely inspired fandom whore. Sigh.

mcshep, fic, sga

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