Where is all the fanfiction when you need it?!

Feb 28, 2011 01:50

Hello, just here to rant about the shortage of fanfiction in the web.

I want more Edmund/Caspian fanfiction! I want good, interesting, hot and sexy oneshots that don't go messing around too AU but neither don't just mope around the topic of Ed having to leave Narnia for good. Where are all those sweet, short and well written how-did-they-fall-for-each-other fics?

There was a question of your favourite type of fanfiction in a Casmund friendling meme here and here's what I answered. This is what I'm looking for:

" Favorite type of fic?
The type that:
-is slash or humorous
-if serious, it has to have a wide emotional scale to feel composed: not too lovey-dovey-sweet'n'fluffy, but not too blood-hate-angst-cry but moving in between..
-goes straight to it's main issues (not straight to smut, mind you) without further blaa blaa
-focuses on character's personalities and has strong ideas of what they are like
-doesn't change canon more than is absolutely necessary, preferrably just slips the story in between canon or after it
-if it's slash, it's not an established-relationship (unless it's established in canon) because I love those oh-my-gods-I-think-I'm-in-love-with-him angsts ;) and if the pairing isn't canon the getting-together-part is definitely an interesting affair
-is spelled at least good enough so I can understand it and grammar isn't disturbing the flow of reading "

If you got a new favourite fic, tell me! It seems I've read everything there is in the web right now and while it's sad it's also slightly creepy. Should I be worried?


But seriously, where are all the fics? Did everyone drop the ship now that they've seen the film and there's no more Edmund in Narnia coming up? WHY! We need to keep this ship up and running even more than before now that Disney&etc won't help us anymore! So why are you reading this and not writing fanfiction?

And why do people think it mad to watch some movie more than twice in one month?

Okay, I'll go plan a fic now and shut up.

reasons for writing, rant, fandom: narnia

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