Nov 02, 2007 00:37
"Spread your legs a little farther."
"I can't, it's too tight!"
"How am I supposed to fit this through if you don't, it's too big!"
"It's your fault if it rips! Hey, what are you doing back there?"
"It's the butt don't have one so I'm making one..."
"I don't want a butt crack!"
"Festive...colors....? Pink? Is this plastic Christmas themed?"
"Oh no! Is the whole box like that?"
"Just do it already, I don't care any more....just wrap."
"Hey, Ross, help me tape this won't stay up..."
"Damn can't you make it a little looser, I've lost the circulation in my..."
"Whaaa! I cut your skin, I'm sorry!"
"It's ok...I didn't feel it..."
"Ok, slide it off and we can tape it back together..."
"I can't believe I'm doing this for a class..."
"Sheer school, what do you expect?"
art school,