May 06, 2007 09:23
Sunday is the day when the whole city seems to be overrun with zombies; Specially in sundays like this sunday... The sky is gray and full of dark clouds, there's a thunderstorm coming, and the cold weather makes you feel the loneliest person on this planet.
I was forced to woke up at 6 am today to go to work. I hate to wake up that early... You have no idea. I was in such a TERRIBLE mood, sleepy, and it was so cold that just the remote idea of taking a bath[yes, BATH cause my english is british!] gave me chills all over.
I went to the bathroom not walking, but crawling on the floor, with only one thought on my mind/soul: Please, five more minutes... :'(
I got in the shower and realized that life's sucking the hell out of me. I felt the world's weight on my shoulders, but it was just the warm water waking me up from the absurd that we're so pleased to call "morning".
O, God, I wanted to sleep right there, laying down on the floor, with that warmth feeling... But, as everything good in life, it met its end, and I found myself there "a ver navios"... [we can say that I looked at the mirror and it said "Destiny's favorite asshole" on my face.]
The hallway almost froze my ass when I was making my way back to the bedroom, but it's all good... [all good my ass, it was cold as hell and... and... GRRRRRRR ¬¬]
Then I swear to God that the bed was smiling at me, and it gently invited me to lay down again... "I'm warm and comfort...Trust me, I'm the best friend you'll ever met." [I'm pretty sure I'm going crazy by the end of this month and that my grandma will lock me inside of those intensive care institutions for lunatic ppl...]
Fortunately, my grandma was going to church [EWWWW] this morning, then she gave me a ride to the bus stop where I get the second of 4 buses that make me able to get to my job every morning, and that drives me all the way back home at night.
So, she drove me all around downtown, and my lucky ass was sat on the bus after 5 minutes of wait on the bus stop. [It usually gets 30-40 minutes of my time.]
But, I can't be such a lucky person, or it will destroy the natural balance of things... [¬¬³²¹] So, there was a CROWD inside the bus, and they were going to the beach... those bitches! I wanted to kill 'em all...Then this Mormon guy, speaking in portuguese the best way he could [FUNNY AS HELL lol], offered me his sit. Mormon ppl are so nice... *.*
And he was cute too LOL
And he was telling me about his missions and everything...
Ok, in despite of the fact that I totally HATE religion subjects, it seemed to be an interesting culture, I mean...O, fuck it, you know what I mean!
So, I was opening the "so-called" office @ 8:32 am. I was exhausted, and I still had to clean everything and the restroom too... blah blah blah...
But Today's Dee's birthday! And I wanted to do something special to her... So I thought about making a video to greet her, and wish her a great day full of joy and love from her family/friends, and to tell her to save me a piece of cake, of corse. LOL
But I found out that there was no mics @. So I had the brilliant idea of writing it all and do a slide show with papers and funny faces to the camera... Then, acting gay as usual, didn't recon my login/and or password... So, it all went down through the toilet. ¬¬
I feel terrible cause I'll be locked up here til' 10 pm, and I can't even send her the video to let her know that I love her and that I didn't forget, not even for a second, of her birthday!
10:45 in the morning and everything is already screwed up...
Great... Just great...
cold weather,
day sucks,