Apr 11, 2010 21:18
So.....I've got this blotch in the center of my left eye's vision. No. It is not a floater. See, floaters, well...they float. around. This doesn't. It just sits there looking vaguely like Italy in brown. Right smack in the middle of my left eye focus field. Extremely annoying and really noticeable when using a computer. Which I do for about 12 hours a day. So, like any reasonable adult with medical insurance. I schedule an appointment with my eye doctor. I tell the nice ladies on the phone that no, Dinglebat isn't my insurance anymore but I don't know what it is offhand, as it changed at the beginning of the year. They say "oh..well..please call us with it before you come in." So, I look, and look and can't find the darn card. Finally notice on the back of my medical insur. card a phone number for a vision plan. So I call. Yep. I have vision. My doctor is not on their plan though. Typical. So they will pay $40 for the exam if I file a claim. Whoop dee do. I go to the eye doctor. The front desk says that Dinglebat denies that they are my insurance. SIGH. I know....I told you that when I made the appointment, AND when you called to remind me. But did they listen....NO NO NO. So anyway, the wonderfully perky assistant who does the glaucoma and other "pre" tests informs me that it has been 6 years since I last saw the Doc. Whoa. Hold up. SIX YEARS. You have got to be kidding me. SIX? I am as blind as a bat without my glasses. Legally blind in fact. I am totally flabbergasted by this news. I am so distracted by this news that hardly notice the annoying puff of air they shoot at my eyeballs. I know I haven't seen anyone else so if their records say six years, it has been six years. I go from thinking that I take crap care of my glasses to being amazed that my glasses look as good as they do. Then Doc smugly welcomes me to middle age. Gee thanks. Middle age = progressive lenses. i.e. I need bifocals. Great. Just wonderful. Oh, and that Italy, It's a detached vitreous. Nothing to worry about, it will eventually (EVENTUALLY) go away on it's own. Yeah, right. I toddle over to the extremely overpriced glasses showroom attached to my eye doctor so I can get an idea of what this new pair will cost me. Keep in mind the last pair (SIX YEARS AGO - that still floors me) was over $500 at Costco. So, the lenses alone (if I bought them from the really expensive doctor....$590.00!!!!!) Okay. I have had enough shocks for one day. I am going home and putting my head in the sand now. bye-bye.