How many dipshits does it take to piss me off

Mar 22, 2007 15:47

Not many in all truth, but lately a lot of them have been pissing me off more and more. However, I am trying to stay away from that BS. Right now my only real concern is finding a blasted job. There are times I look at the Digital Art that I do and wonder (WHY IN THE HELL DID I SPEND 10K ON A LEGAL SCHOOL?!?!?!?!?!) I swear I was this close to getting a job as a Digital Artist... WHY In the HELL did I not jump at it?! Kill me I say lol. I'm freakin good for someone who taught themselves.

To top things off (though this is rather stupid) the game that my 'brother' got me into is addicting as hell, however, i suck at it. Even with him helping me through it I am still the lowest one on the score board!! And most of the people on there are as new or newer than I am. It's really disheartening to watch myself fail because I don't see what I am doing wrong. I want to... and yet I don't.

On a slightly lighter side of things, my stress levels are down to a minuet bleep on the screen which is doing wonders (As well as a shit load of medication) for my skin. My Acne is clearing up, i'm losing weight, or so my friends say, and I am not drinking or eating as much crap as I used to. So I am happy about that. I only wish that I was able to finish this story that I am working on, as well as the countless sigs that I have waiting in the wings. Maybe I will get to them this weekend. I know I need to soon, some people are waiting on those sigs.

On the boards that I am working on, those are rather dead as of late. It bugs the shit out of me, it's a good damn board, just not in big demand for Lord of the Ring's RPs anymore. With so many Marvel based comics becoming movies though, we have started a Marvel board, for Marvel based RP. However, there too is a problem. I seem to be working alone with the damn thing, rules, story lines, time lines... and all this for someone who's knowledge of Marvel is some things said to her by friends and a shit load of Cartoons and Movies. Though, with that, there be another problem. Not many of the COMIC readers LIKE the Movies, so we have to base if off the comics. And the Comics I don't know JACK about at times.

Oh Well. I just wish at times I had a little help.
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