Seven Quirky Facts Meme!

Jan 24, 2010 22:01

Back with an interesting little meme.

I was tagged by ani_bester 
List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
Tag seven people to do the same.
Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it"

1. I have a little notebook where I write down short prompts for fics I want to write.  Sometimes I go into it and find something I have to start working on right away, and sometime I find ideas that just make me laugh and say 'What the heck was I thinking?'

2. I give names to almost everything I own, but only once I feel connected enough to it.

3.  I always separate my skittles into little piles by color and then take one skittle from each pile when I take a bite.  That way, I can see how many 'rainbows' are in each bag.

4. When I go to an Asian restaurant I eat everything with chopsticks, as in everything. This includes the solid bits in soup, ice cream, and jello.

5. I sing almost constantly and have been ever since I could talk. I love almost all kinds of songs, but I have a special weakness for Celtic folk songs.... I blame my inner Irish lass.

6. I am lucky enough to have traveled to many places all over the world (often with my choir) but my personal favorite is a small abbey in scotland where the monks let us sing in their sanctuary.  It sounded like the musics was going straight to heaven.

7. My hands are always doing something.  Whether it's writing, drawing, typing, or cracking my knuckles.  I get dreadfully bored when my hands aren't busy.

I'm going to tag:
bradygirl_12 , mxysptlck  , zenithjolt , goldensuzaku  , shiny_glor_chan  , loopylouise123 , hitokaji 


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