Aug 16, 2009 21:06
Went to a lovely party last night at a lovely house, that I wish I was moving into because it is inexpensive and full of character. It also seems to house good people. I am really going to miss living downtown. The party was a house show and we sat on the lawn drinking wine and listening to music through the window talking to various people in various stages of drunkenness. This was one of many house shows/parties that have occurred this summer around these parts and there are a few more going on before the summer is over. I really like house shows. They are cheap (read:free) at least most of the time and almost always have an intimate feel. I also like how the music can occur in unusual spaces. I know people eventually grow out of these things and I am very close to that age/stage in life, but I wish that wouldn't happen.
I am starting to work on the next edition of the New Harbours zine for our series in September. I really need a scanner so I can scan the old issues to have a digital copy. I am working on writing about some cool local artists that are not quite regulars in the hip galleries around the city but are more involved in the network I've people I've been in contact with through musical happenings and what not.
Nothing much else new, except preparing to move out of my lovely apartment and in with my friend to the other side of town and the burbs.