To launch a new writing challenge community,
vmfictitious is running a screencap caption contest with an ebook as a prize. The ebook has been donated by
vmfanficcer who publishes original m/m fiction under the name Keira Andrews. The contest will celebrate the hoyay of VM, with the best caption voted on by the community.
More information about how the challenges will work, as dictated by the results of our community-wide poll, can be found
The LOLCAPS contest will run until 1/9/11, when the prompt for the first challenge will be revealed, and the writing will begin! There will be more contests like this in the future, so that there will be something for everyone, not just for the writers participating in the challenges. The writing challenges will be judged by special guest judges, each of whom will be known as..."Her Dudeness". Her Dudeness will be celebrated with reviews of her fic, trivia contests, interviews, etc. as the writer-participants are working on their challenge response. Hopefully, there will be something for everyone.
Slight change in scheduling ahead!
Speaking of Her Dudeness, the judge for our first challenge will be the prolific mistress of angst and sensuality,
wily_one24 (watch out for her novel-length comments). We're hoping to kick-start Jacqui's groove so she can give us some more chapters on
her WIPs. (A little fangirling can't hurt!)
And our next two judges, you ask? Well, here they are.
One will be the inscrutable, caps-lovin', Mandy-fic writin',
sarah_p, who does so much to keep Veronica Mars alive and well-moderated (check your tags, DAMMIT, or so help me, I'll sic the ghost of James K. Polk on your ass).
The other scheduled Her Dudeness will be the very gracious
afrocurl, who has also promised to reveal, for the very first time ever, the mystery couple in her intriguing story,
'The Black Hole'.
You can conveniently follow
vmfictitious as an RSS feed on your lj friends list. Go
here and click on "add". Any questions? Contact
vanessagalore by email or
send her a message.
I hope to see you all at
the LOLCAPS contest.