Dec 31, 2010 19:51
Hello, all! :)
The gifting has been fast and furious around here, and I've really enjoyed seeing what everyone's come up with. It's FANTABULOUS. This message is geared towards anyone who will NOT have their gift posted by the deadline of January 1st, so if you're not in that boat, there's no need to keep reading :).
If you will be unable to post a gift by January 1st, and you have NOT ALREADY CONTACTED ME ABOUT IT:
PLEASE, E-mail me by tomorrow at vm [.] santa [@] I need to know whether A.) you're going to be able to complete your gift, but it'll just be a little late, or B.) you are unable to complete your gift, and I need to assign a back-up gifter. This is really, really important, and if I don't hear from you first--well, expect an E-mail from me ;).
On January 2nd, I'll post a list of people whose santas have contacted me about being late, just to reassure people that they haven't been forgotten. The goal will obviously be to have all of the gifts in as soon as possible, whether it be from the original santas, or from back-up gifters.
So, keep those gifts coming! And please, remember to actually go and CLAIM your gift. Santas work really hard to make the holidays happy, so take a second to check the community tags or memories and see if you've missed anything posted for you.
That's about it. As always, please let me know if you have any questions.
mod post