Mar 16, 2005 20:51
roughly 36 hours before the trip begins.
today i had a great experience, i was driving home on route 35, and I glance at my reaview mirror, and guess who is driving behind me. None other than Hans Himself Anthony Fox. IT totally cheered me up to see such a fellow, it totally made up for being in a somewhat angry mood for being late. So then i came home and I registered for the draft. Ironic because i got a letter in the mail later stating, The government will fine my ass if i dont sign up in 10 days. It looks like i'm a couple hours better than the government, relatively speaking. Please let me announce some more important news that affects the, the solar system. Scientists predict that in roughly 26280000000000 hours our milky way galaxy will collide with our nearest neighboring galaxy. So in conclusion, that is my thesis statement
Please allow me to introduce myself I'm a man of wealth and taste.