Below (below the dotted lines) is part of an LJ post by R.K.Milholland. Apparently, it is from a website
Finally, apparently Christians are taking notice to there zealot "must sanitize and burn the sinners" brethren.
All I have to say is (and you all know damn well I am not Christian, and below is a good example as to why) - I'm bi, I'm pro-choice, I drink, I smoke, I want them to find a cure for AIDs, I'm not racist - So, what, you wanna put my name on your little list of "Sinners to be Sanitized"? Oooo, maybe I can work it so I can come back as a zombie and come after your asses!!! Hehehehe, oh wouldn't that be fun *evil grin*. But guess what, not sure I believe in Heaven and Hell, but if they do exist, Hell has better music and at least I will be spending enternity with my friends. Stop trying to make everyone just like you and dump your fucking beliefs on everyone else!!!! They are YOUR beliefs, let's fucking keep it that way! You know, there are no words to express just how pathetic you pukes are....seriously, I've been sitting here for a half an hour, and I just can't put it into words. Oh well, short and sweet - back the fuck off, live your own damn lives and stop trying to live everyone else's. Stop trying to make everyone as fucked up as you are!!!!
There, I'm done, I'm gonna go bash my head into a wall now...
NOTE: Before any of you jump to conclusions and then swiftly turn around and jump down my throat, this is not directed at "normal" everyday Christians. This is directed at the psychotic zealots featured below. The ones that scare me. The ones that while standing on a street corner protesting The DaVinci Code, I proceded to find every piece of trash in my car and hurled it at them (although, I think I threw more than trash, my flashlight is missing). I know many Christians who are not like this, if only the crazy ones could take a cue. And I know, this is not only left to Christianity, every religion has its zealot, it's rioter, etc. I just happened to be the most pissed at the moment with the nut jobs of Christianity. The picture that bugs me the most - the one with the older chubby dude in a white dress shirt, tie, and baseball cap with the hand written sign "you are going to hell you murderers"!!!!!!!! Murderers?!! Please you fucktard, do we need to mention the crusades, the witch trials, need I go on? How many people have you supposedly so devout God-fearing, good little girls and boys, sin-free killed in the name of your faith or your God?! You say that, yet you applaud "God for sending a tsunami to kill Swede fags & dykes." You say that "AIDs is the cure." Arrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Jenn's head has now exploded, so while her headless body is cleaning all of the crap off of her desk, please entertain yourself with the items below. Thank you*
Yes, that's right. Jesus would be ashamed of you and how you run your life.
Why? Because you're so obsessed with the long list of things that offend you, that you don't have any time left to be a rational human being that cares about anything else, anything that counts-- like the well being of others.
Let's look at some people that Jesus would be ashamed of: