Title: Mid-Knight Hour
Fandom: Vampire Knight
Authors: Bloodredhead, Bunny and Arianna
Rating: M
Genre: Romance, Drama, Adventure, Mystery, Hurt, Comfort
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8854471/1/MID-KNIGHT-HOUR Synopsis: Zero Kiryuu, and his childhood friends Mari and Miyako are trusted with the task of guarding the Day Class students at Cross Academy as Prefects by day, and hunting harmful vampires for the Hunter Association by dark. Kaname and Anya Kuran are equally entrusted to exercise their pureblood power to guide the Night Class Nobles - their collaborative presence and positioning organizing the vampires and Vampire Society toward a common end goal.
Several incidents interlock these characters into frequent intimate interaction, awakening feelings, forging friendships, and freely leading to interesting discoveries. But none suspect the preexisting political power struggle secretly unfolding that threatens their lives and to tip the balance of power and play within the societies, turning compromise and cooperation toward coexistence into something far more sinister and confrontational.