I need to stop in to the leasing office and pick up a garage key. Well, a remote. I got a key. But they are open 8:30 to 5:30 which is oh so convenient for working schlubs. Oh and guy who does the programming of garage remotes isn't there on weekends because reasons.They are open late on Wednesdays but I plan to go see Dr. Strange again with a friend now it's hit the cheap seats. We have cheap seat theaters! Who knew?
So thinking I could steal a few quiet moments before the office opens and go in late to work afterwards and hope no one notices, I sit here listening to heavy machinery moving mulch piles around and vacuuming...something or another. Sigh.
In Me News:
I have a lawyer and now we start start the long expensive adversarial process of disentangling our lives and dissolving all legal ties, leaving the emotional ties to bleed out slowly over time. I am so tired of fighting my husband. I give up. I find it ironic and infuriating that for all his adamant insistence on this resolution, I have to be the one to organize and pay for it. It is indeed, the story of my life.
I 'signed the Book' this Sunday at my local UUA church. No one is more surprised at this than me. But I think I've found another layer of family, some goals to work for, and some support in this transition.
Next week is Spring Break, and Final Break for me as I gather up the pathetic remnants of my prior life and pack it into a rented truck and move it here where I live for now. This is why I have rented the garage; storage until I've sorted through the junk stuff and allocate it to come inside the apartment/be donated/be pitched. I have been doing a little volunteering with the homeless, just to remind myself that no matter how 'homeless' I feel, I am really, really not.
As I type I am admiring a lovely henna tattoo on my hand which I got at Open Mosque Day this Saturday. Interesting, fun, and the best baklava I've had since Cleveland. I have the card from the contributing bakery/butcher and am looking forward to visiting as soon as I get back.
I am finally getting the dental work done I've needed for a year. And rewarding myself with Dr. Strange afterwards :)
My last visit with the free-from-work-benefits counselor is tomorrow. No, I haven't lined up a paid replacement yet. It's on the list.
And now, I'm off to the leasing office. Who wants to bet that key guy doesn't come in until later?
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