In the midst of nail-biting terror this December. Happy Holidays!
Another interview next week, then finessing (any) offers, then (potentially) moving away. From my home and family, my parents, my dog. You guys will still be at the other end of the Internet, right?
Although I 'won' NaNo my writing has slowed to a crawl; two or three sentences a night if any. The stress has every muscle aching and terminal insomnia disrupting days and nights. Why can't I be one of those people who get up to write when they can't sleep?
Trying to figure out #1's path to college-with-sustainable-debt. They base everything on your last year's income. Bitter laugh cause that's so reflective of current reality.
As for the holidays, I don't even know. The kids want the whole shebang as usual and I'm just not up for it. I know I have to get out the Christmas stuff cause I need to pitch half the Christmas stuff. That's what makes it so festive! R will stop working after next week, although he's paid through the end of the year. He's still in denial about everything. He goes shopping which has me trying not to check receipts and lecture. Or scream.
Consulting work is slowing to a trickle. Just in time for the holidays!
Today I will recommence exercise. It almost always makes me feel better.
Today I will figure out something to do for work to get some money in; also query why haven't received last check?
Today I will bake a birthday cake for #2.
The rest of my to-do list I will hold as possible if not probable.
Lastly, go thou out and read Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel. I read it for book discussion group, which never has us read books I like, but I really liked this one. Near future SF, fairly plausible post-apocalyptic setting, engaging characters, thoughtful themes, and adept time hopping from Before to After. The weaving of light strands amongst the dark background made it stay in my mind longer than most of what I read these days. I really wanted to know what happened to the characters after the book ended, yet it wasn't unsatisfying. I even found myself wanting to read it again. That almost never happens!
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