Most of my current online reading has been articles and commentary related to Indiana's passage of their state-specific RFRA and the related fallout and the Hugo Award/Sad Puppy slate controversy. Expectations of other people's reactions and shock!surprise! when it is not what you thought it would be.
Most of my inward thought has been regarding job offers and lack of same, moving or not and the effects on all and sundry, unrealistic dreams and realistic expectations. I need to make a list. Another list. Possibly a branching tree of lists. I will then lay it out here to organize my mind and solicit your opinion. *sigh* Everyone I can talk to in RL has a defined place in the agenda of my life. I can't separate out the tangles of hope and fear.
Most of my time has been spent discarding the last ten years of my (working) life--literally, putting it in the trash which is majorly depressing and oddly liberating. Also finishing my epic re-watch of 8 seasons of Charmed. I was going to start an epic re-watch of Buffy next but am considering something shorter as a filler. Eureka? Warehouse 13? Babylon 5?? I could, of course, finish up the X-Files. Suggestions?
Eventually I will have to make some big decisions. I am not sure I'm ready to take any leap of faith, in any direction.
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